The idea came to me when my youngest said she wished she got more things in the post. So I suggested we make our own postbox and anyone could put a letter inside for any member of the family to discover.
It was then she said that she would also like to use the postbox so she could post how she was feeling. Given what is currently going on for everyone right now I decided what a great idea this would be to help children write or draw about how they were feeling. So here is how we made our own family postbox.
You will need:
- A little box
- Wrapping paper
- Tape
- Scissors
- Stick glue
- pencil
- Extra card
- Split pin
- Modelling clay

Start by cutting off the top flaps of the box to create an opening. Then wrap it using the paper and tape. For the top of the box cut down the wrapping paper and glue it into the inside of the box to make the opening. This will be where you post your letters.

Next you can cut out a little flag. This will serve as a marker when someone has put something in the postbox. You can make a hole in the side of the box using the sharp pencil and the modelling clay and then in the flag too.

You can then use a split pin to attach them together. If you don’t have a split pin then you can use a piece of thick wire folded over on itself. (but make sure the hole isn’t too big) or use a hair slide/grip at the opening of the box to hold the flag upright.

Then all you need to do is start writing or drawing little things to put in your postbox. You can put in hearts, mini chocolates, pictures from magazines you really like, draw a little picture, theme a letter from their favourite character, put in inspirational quotes, tell them if they made a great choice. Be as creative as you can as they will really appreciate the kind words they find in the postbox.

Remember to keep some of your favourite things that are sent in the family postbox. We did this activity over 6 years ago and I found an envelope with things we had written as I tidied the art area and the kids spent ages looking through them and reading the messages. It was so heartwarming.