Some Good News
We are so very happy to tell you that we were lucky enough to be awarded an emergency funding grant from Arts Council England. It means we have an opportunity to find our way in this new environment. The future is still grainy but we are hoping that our little theatre company can be agile and flexible enough to continue to make heartwarming memories for families.
So many questions! If you have any thoughts on this then please get in touch. It’s not too late to help shape our new project. Either hit reply to this email or contact me on [email protected]. We look forward in hearing your opinion.
The grant will enable us to create a series of online story making sessions with you, our wonderful audience. Now more than ever we need your input. We are hearing from people that they are all Zoomed out and often the last thing they want to do is engage in more screen time. So what’s our best option? We are making a set of tutorials that our audience can access anytime but we are also thinking….
Is there scope to run some story-making sessions live?
If so which platform is the easiest to use?
What time and day would suit the majority of our audience?
Is this an experience that people would pay for in the future?

Thursday Throwback
This year we celebrate two decades of working together, so I thought I would celebrate our work by sharing a photo from the past twenty years every month. We feel blessed to have met so many wonderful people along the way and to have formed a great many friendships.
In 2002 we toured a production that was entirely told with shadow puppets. It was titled “The Shadow of the Firebird” and it toured to theatres, schools and rural venues across the East Midlands. The best thing about this production was that some children thought it was a film. Then when we took down the shadow screen after the performance and revealed how we did it all the look on their faces was brilliant!

Babbling Vagabonds Blog
We are creating more content for our blog so head to our website and have a read. There are a couple of headings “Let’s Create”, where we will share some craft activities and “Our Process” where you can find out about how we write the story,design for the stage,puppet making and songwriting.