Difficult Year Ends With A Big Smile
We can’t begin to describe how grateful we are to have been able to share with some of you our magical Elf Encounter. This 15-minute experience takes a single family on a heartwarming adventure with an Elf that can’t help but get in trouble.
This sell out run has bought smiles and festive cheer in a time when life is so very difficult for many. Unable to experience so much of what we take for granted this opportunity has left us feeling blessed and lucky. So many people working in the arts have found themselves without work and yet in these testing times, we know that it’s the arts that support people’s well being. I’m not sure what the future holds but by keeping our hearts open and having a willingness to adapt and change here’s hoping we can continue to bring memory-making experiences to families.

If you want to see our Elf Encounter you still can! DerbyLIVE have helped us by making an online version. If you head to their website you can watch our little show from the comfort of your own home and the kids can press repeat as many times as they like until January 3rd. For more details click here.

What’s to come?
We are working on a few ideas and have been quietly waiting for things to bloom over the last few months. So I am please to announce that we will be working with Buxton Civic Association on a community project in the woods for the warmer months and we will be developing ideas for that next year. You can read about their grant success here.
We are also delighted to be working with Buxton International Festival on a story project surrounding Spring Gardens, Buxton. So if you have memories or stories you would like to share then you can by heading to the website.
Our Armchair Adventure online shadow story making project will be ready to share in the new year too, Mark is just putting together the last few edits and we think it would be great to look forward to this in January when the festivities have ebbed away.

Want Some Free Useful Stuff?
An audio version of our summer production of Here Be Dragons is available on our website alongside a Monster Menders Journal. (an activity booklet for kids that links to the story) Check it out on our website and click on Here Be Dragons Have fun with it and why not share your creativity with us too.

Thursday Throwback
This year we celebrate two decades of working together, so I thought I would celebrate our work by sharing a photo from the past twenty years every month. We feel blessed to have met so many wonderful people along the way and to have formed a great many friendships.
We are not going back far for this memory but it is still one of my favourite Christmas Shows. “The Dinosaur That Came For Christmas” Remember that catchy tune! You can relive it here!

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