We have been busy bees behind the scenes pollinating ideas for new projects. The weeks have whizzed by sculpting funding bids and compiling a robust business plan that can help shape the company to become bigger and brighter in 2022 and beyond.
After so much wet weather we are definately grateful for the sunny days, the colourful crocuses on The Slopes in Buxton brings a smile as we “walk and talk” to discuss our next steps on various projects.

Adventure Shack
We have submitted a funding bid to Arts Council England that builds on the work that we carried out pre covid and in lockdown.
The concept for the piece is that a time-traveller has crashed her time-machine/home and it has landed upside down. All the fittings of her home are scattered across the ceiling, which is now the floor, and all her fixtures are still on the floor, which is now the ceiling. Making a cup of tea is now much more challenging than before.
As she tries to organise her stuff she unleashes a series of flashbacks. These long-forgotten memories patch together a series of adventures and escapades that tell her story of how she travelled from a young girl dreaming of adventure and escape, to the wise and experienced traveller she is today. We want to realise this story as an outdoor summer adventure. Barnsley Civic and Greentop in Sheffield continue to support this dream, so fingers crossed that we are successful as the concept for this production is pushing our creativity and storytelling into new realms.

If You Go Into The Woods Today…..
We have been lucky enough to design some installations for our local woods. Working alongside another artist that specialises in creating art in nature and Buxton Civic Association we have designed and made some features that will make walking in the woods with the family more interactive. We hope it will provide the stimulus for conversation and imagination when out for a walk.
If you venture into Gadley Woods see if you can discover the boards. I will share what the rest of our work looks like once we have installed them in their locations.